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The Benefits of Orthodontics Treatment

Orthodontics treatment is a process that uses braces to straighten your teeth. It is generally performed to improve the appearance of your smile, but there are other benefits to this treatment as well. First, a properly aligned set of teeth is much easier to clean, and you will have a lower risk of developing cavities and infections. Second, the proper alignment of your teeth and jaw can correct issues such as cleft lip and palate. Most kids will begin treatment at about 12 years old.

There are three common orthodontic problems: overbite, underbite, and crossbite. Crossbite occurs when the upper or lower teeth do not match. An open bite occurs when the teeth do not meet in the middle, and an underbite occurs when the upper and lower teeth overlap. Insufficient space between the teeth can also cause overcrowding. Abel Phan & Associates has the tools necessary to correct all of these problems. Find a reliable orthodontist or see what invisalign are.

A qualified orthodontist will make a recommendation based on your teeth's alignment and the problems you're experiencing. Generally, orthodontics treatment will take anywhere from one to two years. You will also need to visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings to maintain your new smile.

An improved smile is not only more attractive, but it also improves self-confidence. A healthy smile will make you happy to show off, which will lead to more positive interactions and a more positive self-image. Whether you are a teenager or a senior citizen, orthodontic treatment can benefit your lifelong oral health.

Unlike traditional braces, most patients only need to wear headgear at night. However, you cannot eat or drink while wearing it. Other types of braces are also available, but they usually cost more. Once your teeth have been straightened, you may need retainers to keep them in their new positions. These retainers may be removable or fixed.

Orthodontics is an important part of dental treatment because of the way it helps correct irregularities with your teeth and jaw. An orthodontist specializes in treating these conditions. It improves your oral health, appearance, and self-esteem by correcting your teeth's alignment. Orthodontics may also help correct other irregularities, such as your facial growth. Your dentist in Milford, CT can help you with this procedure. You can see more on this here:

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